Tabitha (Tabs)


She/her, 22 years old, Asexual Panromantic
In a relationship with my gf of 5 years (now engaged!!!).

Much to my grandparent's dismay I only speak English. I can barely follow Mandarin conversations and read only the simplest of Simplified Chinese. Taken two semesters of French and am continuing to learn by reading and watching French comics and cartoons!

Currently talking about BDs and assorted children's cartoons. I post almost every piece of art I draw here. There is more art here than on my actual art blog.

There is no formal DFI as I do not look at those who follow me unless they actively talk to me. But let it be known that if you manage to still weird me out despite this, I will block/soft block you. Honestly, I'm most comfortable treating this as a 16+ account at the very least.

( Made with Carrd )